Enrolling on an Amateur Radio Training Course with the Club
If you want to receive training for the Foundation, Intermediate or Full amateur radio licence, then the Club provides training and mentoring classes. These are provided free for Club members..
To apply for membership, you need to visit the Club's on-line portal. The details are shown below. During the registration process you will be asked to provide the following details
- Name, Date of birth, phone number and e-mail address. The e-mail address must be valid.
- Postal address
- Type of membership. This either Individual or Family membership. Family membership allows you to enrol members of your family living at the same address as individual members without further charge.
- Optionally tick check-boxes to indicate
- Aspects of club activity that you have a particularly strong interest
- Membership of any organisations of significant amateur radio interest
- Any strong personal interests outside amateur radio
- Details of any skills or trades that you have which may be of interest to club members.
- Any areas where you are a subject matter expert
- Any areas of club activity where you would like to volunteer to help
- Any existing amateur radio callsigns that you have – whether UK or elsewhere
- Your preferred method of payment
- Tick the box to state that you agree to abide to the club rules
If you have interests, skills, trades etc which are not shown on the options, please notify the secretary, so that these can be added. Although selecting the check-boxes is optional, it is strongly recommended, it helps the Club to organise activities that will be of interest to members
Click the link to apply for membership.
After completing the application the system will immediately e-mail you with a message to the address you provided. This message will contain a link which, when clicked, confirms to our systems that your e-mail address is valid and working. It is essential that you click the link, once you have done so, the secretary will be notified and will notify the committee of the application for their approval.
Approval is normally granted within 24 hours, often far sooner. However the committee reserves the right to decline approval.
For further information, please e-mail the education co-ordinator.